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园林艺术当代中国园林艺术输出的具身转向 基于海外中国园林视角的探析


Results Through body perception, the antique gardens represented by The Astor Court, by virtue of their exquisite garden elements and space combination, show “Chineseness” to the public in the early stage of external communication. The Astor Court represents the cohesive and typical oriental gardens, which provide an ideal and accessible physical prototype for overseas audiences for the first time, enabling them to gradually transform from the fragmented and scattered collection of Chinese elements into a new stage of building an architectural environment with Chinese cultural atmosphere. Through the metaphor of artistic conception, modern exhibition parks such as Between Sky and Earth and Dule Garden convey to tourists China’s long-standing aesthetic feelings and cultural orientation with a brand-new posture. Dule Garden is taken as an example here. In the space of hundreds of square meters, the exhibition park extracts the cultural themes that repeatedly appear in ancient Chinese paintings, and creates a poetic space atmosphere using the geometric space language common to both China and Western countries, supplemented by modern garden materials, thus highlighting the spirit of Chinese classical gardens. Through experience interaction, the Chinese Garden of Friendship in Sydney and other overseas gardens, driven by cultural exchange and cultural trade, have created a unique garden culture brand through rich and wonderful cultural experience activities, and have promoted the elegant Chinese culture and art to the overseas public, thus well interpreting the deep integration of embodied performance and space-time environment, achieving the effective display of Chinese gardens in the cross-cultural context, and helping overseas tourists understand and share Chinese culture in depth.





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